Monday, June 28, 2010


Sorry for the absence; L. has been a little under the weather with an ear infection and teething for the past few days (which meant lots of hugs and downtime).

Just gums.

Our dear friend Jen came for a visit at the end of the week. It was wonderful to see her. Jen and I always end up having the big picture, what-should-you-do-with-your-life types of discussions, which is always refreshing. This visit was no exception. In the past, these discussions have primarily centered on our careers. And while the next steps in our respective careers is still an important component of the discussion, this time the conversation turned to the importance of making time for the little (or not so little) things that you'd like to do in life.

Inspired by Joslyn of Simple Lovely we decided that we would each make a list of 35 simple, meaningful things that we'd like to do before we turn 36. We even gave ourselves a deadline for creating the list- August 1st. Roast a chicken will definitely be on my list. Thomas Keller's recipe sounds simple and delicious.

But...Jen also shared her plans for her fortieth birthday (which involves a villa in France). So I am also planning on drafting a list of 5 larger things that I'd like to do before I am 40. Things that require a bit more planning than roasting a chicken. Things like a celebration of my fortieth birthday in a distant locale. Where should I celebrate?


Kara said...

I hope you will share your list with your loyal readers!

Kelly said...

Absolutely, Kara! I need some sort of accountability for the list.